Saturday, September 29, 2007

2. The reason he doesn't sue me for charge for libel

Because everything is true.

If you call (744-0486) Jongro 3 Subway Investigation, they say , they sue but, I avoid.

or they prepare to excuse,an excuse...

everytime different answer to different people. all are lies..

They usually try to avoid this case to tell the people, insisting I am insane.

Because it is easier for them to evaid their crime.

They say I was in mental hospital, but it happened when I tried to reveal the whole their 10 year stalking story, they felt afraid for their stalking crime.

Two of them took me to the mental hospital.

And they say to the doctor I am crazy because I say police are after me.
The doctor did not suspect the currupted the cops and put me in the mental hospital.

The doctor believed the cops. He thinks anyone say police is after him or her , she or he is crazy.

Anyone who is not good with cop are crazy? I am not..

This currupted police are still trying to make me lose my temper by chasing with police cars and many other things just like 10years ago.

I am not insane. Everything I say is true

1. Who is 10year stalker Park Sung Dong?

Park Sung Dong has been a chief of YeonNam-Dong policebox in 1997.

and worked at Seoul MetroPolitan Police Agency and Kangbuk Police station.(2000)

he is currently Chief of Jongro 3 Subway Investigation Department.

he is thought to be born in 1957. The memo, containing his phone number starting with 016 , id number with ex-criminal family's resumes and their id including another stalker cop Ahan Byung Kuk's id starting with 56 or 57, was stolen in NewZealand 2006. Feb.